Acupressure is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities.

Acupressure is an ancient form of massage that is one of the treatment methods used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The goal of acupressure (as well as other Chinese Medicine treatments), is to encourage the movement of qi (“life energy”) through the 14 channels (meridians) inside the body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture.

Acupressure consists of pressing the acupuncture points in an attempt to help the free flow of energy in the channel(s). Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but the person uses their fingers instead of needles to work the point. During a treatment or self treatment, a person will experience a slight pain when the proper acupuncture point is pressed.

Acupressure can be very effective in helping with nausea and vomiting after surgery or invasive medical procedures. Acupressure can also help in reducing the pain.

There has not been a lot of research done to document the benefits of acupressure, although there has been some. According to the National Cancer Institute, several small studies have shown that acupressure has helped cancer patients by reducing cancer-related fatigue and nausea. Many patients report acupressure has also helped with pain, stress and anxiety but there has not been research done specifically with cancer patients documenting these results.

Acupressure should not be used as the only treatment for serious illness or chronic condition, but in addition to treatment by a licensed physician.

Steps to Perform Acupressure

Step 1

Firstly provide a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax without disturbances

Step 2

We ask patient to sit in a comfortable position or lie down on your back. Make sure your body is well-supported.

Step 3

We also ask patient to take a few deep breaths to relax and clear your mind.

Step 4

We use our thumb, fingers, or a specialized acupressure tool to apply gentle, steady pressure to the selected acupressure points.

Step 5

We apply pressure for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes on each point.

Step 6

While applying pressure, we advise patient to focus on your breath and try to relax your body.

Step 7

After few min we slowly release the pressure from the point.

Step 8

We give a moment to patient to notice any sensations or changes in your body.

Step 9

Then we will repeat the process for any other acupressure points.

Step 10

After working on your selected acupressure points, we give a few minutes to relax and enjoy the overall sense of well-being.

Benifits Of Acupressure

Alleviates pain and tension in various parts of the body

Helps in reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation

Supports overall well-being and vitality

What are the benefits of acupressure therapy?
Most people try acupressure to manage a condition, such as:
  • Insomnia.
  • Stress management.
  • Headache.
  • Menstrual cramps.
  • Motion sickness.
  • Muscle tension and pain7.
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and morning sickness.
  • Nausea and vomiting after surgery or chemotherapy.
Is acupressure really effective?

Some studies suggest that acupressure can be effective in reducing pain and discomfort caused by various conditions. A study found that acupressure helps in reducing menstrual cramps and also reduces the dependency on ibuprofen to treat menstrual symptoms.

What are the techniques of acupressure therapy?

Acupressure is a manual therapy technique that is used to relieve pain and muscle tension. Acupressure is performed using fingers gradually pressing onto key points around the body to simulate pain relief and muscle relaxation. The acupressure technique is used on trigger points within muscles and soft tissues.

Can acupressure be done daily?

If you hold individual acupressure points for a very long time, once a day, or even once every other day will be sufficient. If, on the other hand, the duration of the acupressure treatment is relatively short, you can then perform the acupressure three to four times daily.

Can acupressure cure diseases?

It is very good for treating the diseases of muscles, joints and bones which are collectively known by the name of the musculo-skeletal system.

Is acupressure good for pain?

With acupressure, you put pressure on certain places on your body. These places are called acupoints (AK-yoo-poynts). Pressing these acupoints can help your muscles relax and improve your blood flow. It can also help with many common side effects of chemotherapy, such as pain and headaches.

What is the principle of acupressure?

Acupressure is one of the known CAM practices across the world. It is based on fundamental principle of activation of acupoints across the meridians. Activation of acupoints is facilitated by use of fingers or the simply available various hand-held acupressure devices.

Who should not do acupressure?

Although acupressure is not age-restrictive, people with high blood pressure and pregnant women should refrain from acupressure therapy. There are specific acupressure points that can cause labor or miscarriage.